Peking opera blues letterboxd
Peking opera blues letterboxd

peking opera blues letterboxd

This is roughly the same number as that of Tianjin, a city in China with only 13 million people. In 2019, there were almost one billion passenger-trips on public transit in the US. please consider sending a few bucks my way, i’ll like read your fortune or draw you something or whatever, thanks. ALL the money i have in my account is for this and i have none for other bills i currently have $470/$845 raised, ideally i’d surpass my goal so i can stay afloat for the next few weeks until i start + get paid at my new job. i also will need to pay for reinspection, titling fees, plate fees, and so on.

peking opera blues letterboxd

i now have to pay approx $845 for repairs including replacing bad parts with a new windshield, front struts, ball joint, and more… my mechanic friend is ordering the parts with his shop discount and doing the work on the side, but it’s still way more than i can afford especially considering i lost nearly $3,000 on a car i cannot drive. a good friend made this graphic for me to help me fundraise since, as many of you already know, i’ve had a lot of trouble regarding getting my car in working order, which is necessary to retain employment, after i was scammed out of $2.7k for a car that supposedly passed inspection but ended up being an illegal sale.

peking opera blues letterboxd

The casting’s superb (love Tom Hardy), great story and very entertaining.Hi all. It’s practically a non-stop chase through the desert, just what the doctor ordered. With all this, you may understand how sceptical I was when I went to see Fury Road.Ī little bit of exposition and away we go! And Tina, babes, heart you muchly but you can’t act so please don’t. The less said about Thunderdome, the better. This brings me to The Road Warrior – where the whole of the first movie is covered in the opening scene! Bang! Didn’t need to see that!Īlthough a far superior movie, it still doesn’t amount to that much. Mad Max seems to build up to the climax forever. It’s been on my radar for a while, especially as Mad Max is on the 1001 challenge list. In anticipation of the release of Fury Road, I set out to watch the original trilogy.

Peking opera blues letterboxd